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Snakes Screensaver v1.2

Size: 3.77 Mb
Rating: 3460

If you have a warm spot for cold-blooded creatures, then you might appreciate the Snakes Screensaver. It puts on a slide show of 32 high-quality photos of various types of snakes, many of them close-up shots. The versatile screen-saver engine lets you set any of the pictures as your wallpaper, plus provides options for transition effects, sizing, and image delay. Decorate its computer by this fashionable of the Screensaver! All images in resolution 800*600 and High Color (24-bit). A nice music background. The screensaver also comes with 2 possibilities is "Screen Saver Control" and "Wallpaper Control". Screen Saver Control has such functions:
* time of show for each image
* color option
* use password protection
* control of effects of transition (14 available effects)
Wallpaper Control has such functions:
* use wallpaper on desktop
* color option
* automatically cycle wallpaper every: hour, day or week.

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