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Auto Detroit 2001 Screen Saver v1.2

Size: 3.40 Mb
Rating: 3534

Detroit 2001 - first auto-salon third millennium. NAIAS 2001 - one of the most large and prestigious auto-events world-level. Conducted in the city Detroit (state of Michigan). An him was present more than 740 cars from 40 producers. This Screensaver will showed images of such models: Acura RS-X, Acura TypeS, Bently EX Speed 8, BMW X Coupe, Bmw Z9, Cadillac Vizon, Chrysler Crossfire, Cunningham C-7 Grand Turing, Dodge Super8 Hemi Concept, Dodge Viper RT10, Faze 2001, Ford 49, Ford Explorer, Ford Th!nk(electro), Fordtbird, GMc Sabia, GMC Terracross(concept-car), Honda Model X, Infiniti FX 45, Isuzu Axiom, Jeep Liberty, KIA Rio, Land Rover Kalahari, Lexus SC430, Mitsubishi ASX, Mitsubishi PRM7000, Nissan AT, NissanSentra, Oldsmobile 04, Pontiac Vibe GT, Porsche911GT2, Roadster Buick Bengal, Saleen S7, Sedan MB C32, Toyota Matrix, Toyota Rav4, Volvo SCC concept-car, Volvo Adventure concept, Mercedes Benz C. Available a 39 of screens. All images in resolution 800*600 and High Color (24-bit).

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