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Hubble Screen Saver v2001.10

Size: 5.98 Mb
Rating: 1145

1. Our screensavers work on most Windows95/98/NT/ME/00/XX systems.
2. This is a slideshow screensaver that will allow different "transitions" effects. In most cases you can choose the type of effects and slide duration!
3. This screensaver software is virus-free.
4. If you have difficulty installing this software, support is available. See section 10 below. In the event of not being able to use the product for any reason, a refund can be issued within 30 days at our discretion.
5. This screensaver is shareware with a limited number of images available until the product is registered. After you register and pay a small fee, you get a password that you use one time tounlock all of the images available in the screensaver!
6. Product lifetime updates are available after registration. Just download the latest version from our website! No need to re-register!

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