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Majestic Screen Saver

Size: 9.03 Mb
Rating: 970

Welcome to H & R Enterprises Screen Saver/Software, the Screen Saver you have purchased is a 32 bit Windows program designed to run on Windows 95/98 and NT systems. H & R Enterprises Screen Savers have 20 adjustable transition effects, giving you the ability to modify the appearance of the images displayed, you can also enable captions and select the location and font type style. The transition effects included are Blinds Horizontal, Blinds Vertical, Dissolve Large, Medium and small, Lines Horizontal, Lines Vertical, Slide Down, Left and Right, Sparkle Left, Right and Up, Wipe Down, Left, Right and Up, Zoom in and Zoom Out. To change these effects right click 0n your Windows screen, select properties, a Display Properties window opens select screen saver and select settings.

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